This sculpture project is inspired by a Project Correl art game created by ZHVR Group in 2019.
The Correl sculpture takes observers to another level where it is a game of perception. From any point of view the artwork is perceived differently due to its highly dynamic form and a play of reflections. The Correl sculpture is made of CNC-milled acrylic panels similar in shape and is hung on cables in a space. The idea of the sculpture comes from an attempt to bridge the world of games with the world of Art to create an open-ended spatial from that can easily adapt to any space conditions and can reconfigure itself depending on a given space and spatial conditions.
More information about the Project Correl game by ZHVR group can be found here:•
Zaha Hadid’s “Project Correl” Printed Model was Designed in Virtual Reality by Museum Visitors•
Project Correl by Zaha Hadid Architects