The following interior concept is based on the idea of an artificial landscape.
It is achieved by integrating the curvilinear furniture pieces into the walls and the floor surfaces. Fluid composition of the furniture elements function as display for shoes and cloth. The shelves pill out from the walls and floor surfaces creating an effect of the artificial waves.
Apart from the integrated furniture, there are mobile units which give a variety of options for the exposition space rearrangement. All furniture pieces are custom-made and make the space look soft and fluid.
In addition, the interior space has got some loft features, i.e. it is designed as a big hall with high ceiling and exposed engineering systems coated in white colour.
The furniture visually divides the space into different functional zones where only the fitting rooms are separated with solid partitions which do not touch the ceiling.
Dominating white colour in the interior is chosen to have a sense of feast and openness.
The bright colours have been applied to balance the dominating whiteness, to attract young people as primary customers, and to emphasise festive atmosphere of the interior.